In the midst of going through the first pregnancy with my son Isaiah, who will soon be five, I vowed to my wife that some day I would write about pregnancy and child rearing (well, I probably didn’t use that exact word) from the man’s perspective. After experiencing three, Alexis is three and Audrey is 1, I now have a lot to say. Now, I do want to give fare warning that women may be offended by some of the things I write, and more importantly may not understand what I write, but that’s ok. I’ve done some research on the topic and have found there are very few books to help men deal with the life-changing reality of children. In fact one of the best-selling pregnancy books for men was written by a woman. What! If a man wrote a book to help women understand how to deal with pregnancy, he’d lose his head!
Men, hopefully these and future words will help you laugh as you look back on pregnancy and children or will help you and give you some support as you travel down the child path.
Women, hopefully the words will give you a least a little insight into the man’s world. Please don’t judge. We have feelings too! If Jenny McCarthy can write a book for women about pregnancy, there has to be some hope for me to communicate the man’s view!
At the same time, I will share about what it’s like to live off one low-paying income. My wife, Faith, was a teacher and has been staying at home since Isaiah was born almost five years ago. We went from two full-time incomes with benefits to one income, adding $600 to pay for family insurance since we lost Faith's. Somehow, through faith (haha, pardon the pun), planning, and an attitude of giving to Christ first, we somehow have managed to stay out of debt, except for our mortgage payment, which we are slowly paying off.
Finally, I will give updates on our venture with the new cell phone company Solavei. Visit to learn about the company’s great vision and great opportunities it presents to its customers: $49.99 4G unlimited everything service with an opportunity to make $20 for every 3 people who sign up under you. If you become interested please let me know. The company will officially launch September 21st, but because we are in the pre-launch group we have the opportunity to receive service before then.
I promise to make my writings entertaining, honest, and hopefully helpful and informative. Please stay tuned!
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