Now the transition begins for the life of the supportive, loving,
patient, and understanding husband during the pregnancy stage to
fatherhood! For this first fatherhood
post, I’ll focus on some things men, and couples in general, should think about
in preparation for those first few weeks of parenthood.
Pro – Both before and after birth they keep you company and
bring you food and presents. I liked the food part the best…and of course the
company. It’s a joy to introduce your
new baby to family and friends.
Con—They all want to hold the new baby and sometimes take a
lot of energy to entertain. They don’t know your sleep schedule. Sometimes you
haven’t showered for a few days, and that’s rough for some people. People
suddenly think they’re parent psychologists and start telling you everything
they did with their children that worked. Ironically, their kids live screwed
up lives. Fortunately, everyone who visited us was great!
Pro—They can give you a break, and you’re planting the seed
for future baby sitters. Hey, you’ve
always gotta be thinking.
Con—For some anxious parents, this causes great anxiety because
they think something might happen to their new child. I’m dancing dangerously around this one, so I’ll
leave the sarcasm out here…but sometimes we all need to “let go” a little.
Everyone needs a break.
Pro—If they actually help out at night, they can allow the
new parents to sleep, especially the mother if she’s breastfeeding. They can be
a great help with the other children in the family. They can help clean. They
can be a strong support and can have good advice.
Con—They forget that the child is yours and not theirs. “Did
you even ask to take the baby out of my arms?” Some people have expressed how visitors/family
have created extra messes to clean. If they live out of town and stay at your
house, you have a full house!
The next two births were a little different with timing, and
having someone there for the first week to help with the kids was nice.
Pro—The longer the man can stay home, the better support he
is to his wife. He’ll feel more like helping at night since he’s not heading to
a long day of work. He can take the baby while the wife rests during the day.
This also allows for quality family time.
Con—Well, the answer for the man on this one might depend if
the mother-in-law is staying at the houseJ
I want no darts thrown my way. The reality is that extra conflict can make for
a rough week with a new baby.
Don’t get
caught up in buying designer clothes, purses, etc. Even though I have a hard
time comprehending this one, those things are wants, not needs. Plus, and I
know I’m stepping on toes here, but if you really feel like you need to spend
that much, put that money you would have spent toward a charity or toward your
child’s future.