Here I am, anxiously waiting for the big move, and I feel as if I've finally gotten my wife back, not completely, but almost. Obviously, moving out of the basement and into a place where we will return to our "united" front as parents will help once again to solidify our family unit. However, that's not what I'm referring to. I'm talking about the fact that my wife went to the doctor, and for the first time over her four pregnancies she has taken a "magic pill" prescribed by the doctor.
Now, I realize that many people don't like taking medicine, myself included, as I'm a big proponent of mind over matter. However, empirical evidence doesn't lie. When people with headaches don't take medicine, they walk around in a fog and can contribute little to the world around them. When they take medicine, they join the world and effectively function. Such has been the case with my wife. As I noted in the previous blog, the first time she took her magic pill for nausea, she was wiped out as drowsiness is often times a side effect of the medicine. However, she felt much better when she was awake. And, as I explained to her, as she gradually took the medicine, her body would accept it better and the side effect would not be as bad. As fate would have it, I was right! A couple of days later when she took it again, her drowsiness was not nearly as bad, and she was functioning on a much higher level and felt much better. Obviously, from my perspective, I'm excited the doctor encouraged her to try the medicine as I now somewhat have my wife back. However, more importantly, for my wife's sake taking the medicine has allowed her to feel much better and to want to do something other than sleep the nausea off.
Here's the lesson to be learned. In life we have choices. Typically, we like to make the wisest choice, but we usually like to make the easiest choice as well. People, I'm here to tell you that I could be a national spokesman for medical companies with safe medications for their patients. Well, I'll stop there with the excitement about the medicine working, but especially as we prepare to move I pray Faith continues to feel as she has the last few days.
So, I might get flack some for these last few words, but since this is a blog about men and pregnancy, I must. Pregnancy, and having children, requires people to become much less self-absorbed and more selfless. That's a natural phenomenon as people's responsibility and focus of their lives changes with the addition of other beings in their lives. Likewise, while the husband is not "carrying" a child in his womb, he must be that extra support and strength for his wife. Even if pregnant women don't experience the sickness and other issues that my wife and others have faced during pregnancy, they still often need, and deserve, the emotional and physical support of their husbands. From an honest man's standpoint, this can be a lot for us and can be be a great challenge as we look at how are lives will be changing. Therefore, the added stresses of a sick wife, a tired wife, and anything else related to pregnancy is a burden for many men. While we must man up and carry that burden and be the pillar our wives need, let's not forget that there are two people going through the pregnancy together!
Man Advice:
Men, this may not be what you want to hear, but as often times your pregnant wife is all spent by the end of the day, you will earn some extra points by cooking, doing the dishes, cleaning, etc. Suck it up; it's just a phase of life.
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