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Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Return! Birth

For a second time, I'm back from a hiatus of writing. Since I will be soon publishing a book and starting a new brand/company, I figured I've got to get back in the game. Faith's pregnancy took a toll on me that I'm still recovering from, but it all came to an end just over three weeks ago. So, these next few posts will focus on living the dream in Ohio through the birth of our fourth child.

It all started on a Saturday night as we spent "quality" family time on Faith's parents' farm. As we returned home, Faith, the ever pregnant, food-craving woman said, "I need some ice cream," so we stopped by the famous (famous to small town Wadsworthians) ice cream shop in Wadsworth, OH. I never can remember the name of it. Anyway, as the three kids and I waited in our pimped out white minivan (full of rust compliments of our first winter in Ohio), Faith went to the window to get the ice cream. Just a few moments later she returned to the van and said, "My water just broke" (one week early).  
Great, can we still eat our ice cream?
Needless-to-say, the next thirty minutes were action packed as we drove home, called faith's mom to come get the kids, and got things packed and ready to go. When people have their first child, they freak out at this point. Not this guy. I told Isaiah and Alexis, 6 and 5 respectively, to pack their bags, and I packed our soon-to-be three-year-old Audrey's bag by throwing whatever I could find in it. I got everyone's bags downstairs, and then I realized my wife was in the shower. It's at times like that where I appreciate my wife's level-headedness. Most people don't realize there is no need to rush to the hospital in the midst of labor. However, most people in this anxiety ridden, faith-lacking society, freak out over not being in control. Ok, I'm off my soap box. 
Modern Day Birthing Facility
With the kids picked up, we then headed to the hospital. Now, the previous three births took place in Cary, NC, in an area known as the medical meca of the nation with the Duke and UNC medical facilities. The facilities are top tier, bustling with new babies, moms, and dads. However, and I mean this with no disrespect to my Ohio friends, on this night we were headed to Barberton Hospital, in Barberton, OH, a place depleted of young people, where excitement and anxiety grow if there are multiple births on the same night. In fact, when we first visited the hospital on our tour, we went over a bridge, and I was praying we were metaphorically "crossing the train tracks." However, once we crossed the bridge, things looked even worse. Houses were falling apart, buildings were abandoned, and "unique" people were walking the streets. 
Fast forward to our arrival at 10 p.m. Saturday night. I mistakenly parked on the wrong side of the hospital, so we had to walk around it, along the dark street, to get to the emergency entrance. With all the encouragement of a loving husband to his in labor wife, I said, "Well, this is nice. We're going to be shot or mugged while you're in labor." Sometimes I amaze myself with my tact. However, I don't think Faith found the comments that humorous, especially since we were already walking the length of a football field to get to the entrance. Well, we made it safely, waited briefly with all the "old/wise" people in the emergency room, and headed to the labor area. 

Man Birth Advice:
Stay calm in the midst of labor beginning. If your wife is dying of pain, she either has a low pain tolerance, or the baby will soon be here. In that case, hurry! Otherwise, don't panic and don't be anxious. You will be in the hospital long enough, so don't rush!